Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Blue Whale by James

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the ocean. It is not a fish even though it looks fish shaped! It is a mammal. It is named ‘Blue” whale because of its gray blue in color.
It can grow up to 110 feet long and weigh 150 tons! It has a very big tail that flips up and down to move forward while it uses its wide flippers to turn.
A blue whale never eats other big fish! It only eats krill and eats only during the summer months. It has baleen in its mouth that lets water filled with krill go in and then the krill go into the stomach and the whale filters the water out. It breaths oxygen in the air through a blow hole on top of its head. It blows the water out from this whole just like a water spout.
The blue whale swims in the deep oceans all over the world. Blue whales are endangered. They are coming back from almost being extinct. People are now stopping their whale hunting and finding other sources of food.
Blue whale’s talk by sending sounds through the water.

Seahorses by Natasha

Seahorses are cute!Luckily they are not endagerd.
A sea horses head is like a’s tail looks like a snake.It is not a fish, but a special animal that has bony plates outside its body .This is the skeleton.. They have no teeth or scales.
They do not swim like a fish but they move like they are standing up! The fins on their backs move to push them forward.

A sea horse wraps up it’s tail around a piece of seaweed and wait’s for it’s food.
It sucks up small sea animals like a vacuum cleaner.
Most sea horses live on small plants or fan corals on reefthe ocean.some sea horses live in under water nets from old fishing boats.
The mother puts the eggs in the dads pouch on its stomach. The dad waits for the baby sea horse to hatch out of the pouch.

SEA HORSES are very cute and after dolfins they are my favirote sea animals.

Jellyfish by Nikita

Jellyfish are very interesting !
A Jellyfish look like plastic trash floating in the sea and are shaped like umbrellas It is also shaped like a bell.
Jellyfish eat algae. Jellyfish catch algae with there tentecles. The animal it catches can not escape because the jellyfish parrelizes it. Jellyfish live in Tropicaland Arctic oceans. I think jellyfish are important to the world because it is a really strong and it is the only animal in the sea that can sting.
The most dangerous jellyfish is called the blue bottle and it is found in Australia you should stay away from jellyfish.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Manta Ray by Roshani

I chose the manta ray because they have interesting things about them. They have cool stuff like very long tail and they have spots in the back. Some are very cute! Some are mean looking. My animal has 2 fins like little sails on its tail. Many rays have an opening behind each eye. Manta rays eat Squids and clamps and fish. Manta Rays mostly live in the Eastern, Atlantic Ocean and Western Mediterranean sea. Many rays live in the sandy shallows at the sea’s edge. Manta ray are very amazing, cool and interesting. They have cool stuff in them.

Megatooth by Brandon

I chose the megatooth because it is very big and it is extinct. Did you know that the megatooth,s tooth is as big as a adults hand? My animal looks like a whale shark but it is stronger then the whale shark. It grows about 65 feet long. The megatooth, s favorite foods are dolphins and blue whales. The megatooth used to live at the north Caroline in America. On the bottom of the ocean. You don’t want to get close to the megatooth because they are dangerous.

The Bull Shark by Kayla

A Bull shark has a wide snout & a small
fin on its back.
A Bull shark will eat anything it can catch.
The Bull shark lives in saltwater seas and the coral reef.

Dolphin by Ria

I chose the Dolphins because it is like the cutest and playful animal to me in the rivers and oceans. Dolphins have to flippers. Dolphins have to tails flukes. Dolphins have a dorsal fin. Dolphins are mammals. Dolphins eat fish and squid. Most dolphins live in groups. Dolphins live in open water, fresh water and the rivers. Dolphins are fast swimmers. Dolphins are good at tricks. Dolphins can jump really high. They are my favorite animals.