Monday, April 19, 2010

The Tiger Shark by Aditya Rachman

A tiger shark is twice the size smaller than great white shark but did you know it is twice fiercer?
A tiger shark has many fins and it swims fast!
It is one of the creatures that eat each other!

A tiger shark has stripes on its body just like a tiger, that’s why it’s called a tiger shark. It looks like a black striped shark and some are yellow with brown stripes. The tiger sharks with brown stripes are called sand tiger sharks, they are much smaller.

A tiger shark eats: Fish, sea snakes, seals, squid, they also eat other sharks! Sometimes they even eat garbage! But when a tiger shark eats garbage it dies. A tiger shark will eat anything it will find!

A tiger shark lives in tropical and subtropical waters. Many tiger sharks live in Indonesia. Even though most waters are cool. Tiger sharks live in warm waters even as warm as a bath!

A tiger shark is a tropical shark and it is one my favorite animal(s), they also swim very fast. I also like them because they are striped.

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