Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Blue Whale by James

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the ocean. It is not a fish even though it looks fish shaped! It is a mammal. It is named ‘Blue” whale because of its gray blue in color.
It can grow up to 110 feet long and weigh 150 tons! It has a very big tail that flips up and down to move forward while it uses its wide flippers to turn.
A blue whale never eats other big fish! It only eats krill and eats only during the summer months. It has baleen in its mouth that lets water filled with krill go in and then the krill go into the stomach and the whale filters the water out. It breaths oxygen in the air through a blow hole on top of its head. It blows the water out from this whole just like a water spout.
The blue whale swims in the deep oceans all over the world. Blue whales are endangered. They are coming back from almost being extinct. People are now stopping their whale hunting and finding other sources of food.
Blue whale’s talk by sending sounds through the water.

1 comment:

  1. Hi James
    This is a very interesting report - I've learned quite a few things I didn't know about the Blue Whale. Did you know that you can go whale watching in NZ? We must put that on our things to do when we are at home next time.
    Mum xx
